Jackie Chan: Never grow up
Jackie chan: Never Grow Up With Zhu Mo Translated by Jeremy Tiang Gallery Books 2015 2018 Hardbound cover I'm so happy to have gotten hold of Jackie Chan's autobiography. I had so much fun reading it. As a child, I watched The Drunken Master with my siblings and enjoyed it very much. All his succeeding movies that we watched were all heartwarming, fun and we enjoyed the behind-the-scene cuts at the end of the credits. I laughed a lot and cried some. There were portions of his storytelling that I cried, like when he was left to the China Drama Academy at age 7 and his mother carried bucket of hotwater from home to the academy and on the 2nd year, he was teased as spolied and rejected his mother to impress or be acceptable as cool to his peers in the academy. His mother has to ride buses and walk many times to bring the water with her. I think he has been like that to the women in his life, a macho who wants to show off to his peers. I can't blame a child who lite...