21 Lessons for 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari (Second Part)

    Took up Part I of 21 Lessons in the previous blog. Now, we take up the Part II of the book which tackles Political Challenge by discussing Community, Civilization, Nationalism, Religion and Immigration.  

    Community. Humans have bodies, so there is a big challenge for maintaining  the separate lines between the online vs offline communities because there might come a time when tech giants might manipulate our entire bodies in the same way they currently manipulate our eyes, fingers and credit cards.
     Civilization. Whatever changes await us in the future, they are likely to involve a fraternal struggle within a single civilization rather than a clash between alien civilization. Though humankind is very far from constituting a harmonious community, we are all members of a single rowdy global civilization.

    Nationalism. Nationalistic Isolation seems not to be the answer since global problems need global answers. Nuclear Challenge (nuclear war), ecological challenge (ecological collapse), technological challenge (technological disruption) are enough to threaten the future of humankind.

         Religion. So far, modern ideologies, scientific experts and national governments failed to create a viable vision for the future of humanity. Can religious traditions be of help? Traditional religions are of help in "interpretation." There is a need to reinterpret our stories because humankind now constitutes a single civilization and the problems (Nuclear war, ecological collapse, technological disruption) can only be solved in a global level.
        Immigration. Globalization has greatly reduced cultural differences across the planet, it has simultaneously made it far easier to encounter starnagers and become upset by their oddities. I am intereted in reading this because we cannot deny how our world became borderless nowadays. Some challenges or important questions are laid down here for guidance in fomulating or reaching national policies for immigation.


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