Insalada Nga Langka (Jackfruit Salad)

Insalada for Pinoys is appetizers or side dish. In my region, we call this Insalada Nga Langka or in Filipino Insaladang Langka. This one is special because of the cocomilk. I personally Iove using an almost ripe fruit because it has an inherent sweetness already. I get to boil the seeds too and it sure tastes like chestnuts but that is a story for another post. Some other times, an unripe fruit is also preferred because of its tenderness and tasty strands. In the photo above, I used the almost ripe one.

1 medium size jackfruit
1 matured coconut
1 garlic chopped
1 onion, chopped
6 long chilis, chopped
1 thumb ginger, chopped
Coconut Vinegar
Salt and pepper
Mushroom seasoning
Brown sugar

How to:
Peel jackfruit, slice to desired thickness and remove seeds unless one uses a young fruit wherein the seeds are still tender. Boil the jackfruit until cooked to tenderness. Drain and set aside. 

Extract cocomilk from the coconut. Don't add water for the first extract. Then use minimal water for the second extract. (See my other blogs using covonut milk)

In a big wok, put the cocomilk and all spices and seasoning. (Depending on your spicy hot preference, add the chili later) Let simmer till boiling. Add the jackfruit. Mix together and cook for 20 minutes with cover.

Check the taste and adjust sourness by adding sugar. Cook for 10 more minutes. 

Remove from fire and let cool. Serve as side dish. 


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