Eggs and Egg-cellent films to see

FOR MY THIRD POST FOR #foodfilmflex which my friends and I will be doing this September to celebrate cinema and cooking, I present to you, Eggs. How do you want your eggs? I want mine cooked in a small amount of canola oil, scrambled with chives, tomatoes, onions or chilis.

One of the first cooking I learned was eggdrop soup which I cooked for my siblings when our parents, a policeman and a social worker, were responding to typhoon victims. Heat some water, put onions and tomatoes, and add scrambled eggs and voila, we have a soup. Variations may be to add spring onions or malunggay leaves. My mother taught me that. On top of that, she taught us to mix raw egg in our steaming hot rice. To convince me, she said raw eggs are even good for those with TB as they are advised to drink one from the shell every day. And then, as a kid, I saw Rocky and was convinced that raw eggs can be the breakfast of a champion.

And I love everything about The Runaway Bride: the actors, the script, the directing are all so on point that one can list it as classic romcom. In the film, Maggie was challenged into thinking how she wants her eggs done because if she can't even decide about her eggs, how can she ever decide about her groom. She paused and cooked eggs in many ways and decided that she liked Eggs Benedict. We had breakfast of eggs in four ways today. My sister butted in that she remembers Eggs Benedict from The Prince and Me when Julia Stiles exclaimed, "What, you have Eggs Benedict in a men's dorm?"

The Hundred-foot-journey is visually appetizing and filling and at the very heart of the difficult dishes is the omellette. Spice is the key.

Well, I loved Midnight Diner, the chinese film version, which remade the original Japanese. Well a humble omellette has a story only the Master of the midnight diner can tell.

Hope you'll enjoy your eggs more after reading this. :)


1/2 T canola oil
1 scrambled egg
chives, chopped

Over a low to medium fire, put tge frying pan and spread and Heat oil. Add egg which was salted already when scrambled using fork, add chives. Slowly roll. 

1/2 T canola oil
1/2 potato, sliced thinly
1 scrambled egg
Black pepper powder

Over a low to medium fire, put the frying pan and spread and Heat oil. Add the potato slices and let cook till translucent. Gather potato in the center, add scrambled egg which was salted already when scrambled using fork, add black pepper. Transfer to plate and serve. 


1/2 T canola oil
1/2 red chili, sliced thinly
1/2 green chili, sliced thinly
1 T Tuna
1 scrambled egg

Over a low to medium fire, put the frying pan and spread and Heat oil. Add egg which was salted already when scrambled using fork, add chilis and mix with eggs. Don't dry out the eggs. Serve in the plate. 


1/2 T canola oil

Heat oil in the pan. Break egg and let it cook in low heat. Add salt. Don't dry out the egg. Serve in plate. 


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