New York's Museum of Sex is an all-touch museum of sort

Except that it is named as such, the Museum of Sex is nothing like a museum because everything inside is made to be touched. Also, gushing and explaining and bragging can be heard inside. All I can bring you are pictures here and videos because I could not even explain the varieties of articles inside from candies to books to postcards, csrdgames to pills, garments and kinky toys or gears, if I may say. Museum it is not indeed but a store of merch, all kinky and for all kinds of handling!!! Here are the photos I got which are self-explanatory. Got videos of those I can't explain. Click here for the link to my youtube. Video Post # 2 Xxx More video post here Post 3 Xxx More video post here Post 4 Xxx More video post here Post 5 Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx We missed the show they have in a room or basement. You can tell me about it on your visit there!!!