Forever yes to Airfryer and to oillessness
I had been raring to buy Airfryer since I got acquainted with it two years ago. What stopped me from buying one is the desigii6i9n it got. It looks like a coffeemaker and the cooking pot looks like very confining. When I found out about the airfryer with oven from Hanabishi, I bought one right ĺaway. And I'm so happy now because I now fry without oil. Before Airfryer, I buy canola oil as it is the healthiest cooking oil and later when it got scarce, I buy sunflower oil. We use a minimum of 1 liter ofp7Now, we need oil for saute or stirfry only. Actually, oil is needed by the body. Our fish and poultry and meat have natural oils already. What is a no-no is that cooking oils have undergone hydrogenation when heat is applied in the preparation. Aside from the shining shimmering fried fish, that's the real health turn-off. I used my airfryer since October 30 for at least 20 minutes cooking time a day... i waited for our 3 billings from the...