My 2024 Prosperity Table

    Twelve or more eggs are the staple of every prosperity bowl because eggs represent fertility and beginnings. Rice is also a staple as it represents a bountiful harvest. Well, look at the grains which you can't count and imagine if you were given riches which you can't count. At home, we have to fill our rice keeper full so that we won't want in the coming year.  I added gold chocolate coins this year because a friend gifted me a pack. I usually have the real coins only. The 20-peso coin the Philippines is handsome for this purpose so I use them. Just don't forget to first get rid of the bad energy by sprinkling salt over the coins, letting it sit for a moment, and throwing away the salt outside the house. Further, I used bay leaves for the first time because I learned that traditionally, bay leaves are used on most prosperity rituals.  

Prosperity Bowl
12 eggs
12 chocolate coins
12 20-peso coins
bay leaves
Orange as centerpiece
12 paper bills


Money Bowl

All coins available

    I used all the coins gathered for the past year, and of course, I rinsed them of the bad energy by sprinkling salt all over them.

The 12 Fruits

Grapes (Three colors)

This is pretty straightforward as one has to gather fruits only. But some wants round only so they may have no bananas in the basket or reject seedless watermelon and papaya. But others may admit watermelon and papaya because their seeds inside represents money, lots of money. 

My Prosperity Table


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