Room 108 of New York Public Library and Reader's Digest

Room 108 at the New York Public Library was where the DeWitt Wallace nurtured his baby magazine Reader's Digest a hundred years ago. I love reader's digest and the news of its most recent closing down in UK is sad. 

I stopped subscribing years ago when they had their Asia-Pacific Division stopped. Other divisions will ensue for sure, but I couldn't forget the paintings of the great masters in their back covers which surely fanned my love for museums. I even used to cut them and collevt them in an album. Now, I have faint memories of those cut outs each time I get to see the real masterpiece in person. 

I also love the All in a day's work humor section, which I now suspect after retrospection, has inspired my own book, Guilty your Humor, my proofs beyond reasonable doubt. 

"The New York Public Library's DeWitt Wallace Periodical Room holds the Library's extensive collection of current and historical periodicals. Xxx
The room was named for the founder of Reader's Digest Magazine, who spent countless hours here in the 1920s reading and condensing articles from the Library's collection to feature in his publication, and whose foundation made a 1983 restoration possible. 



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