Ginat-an nga Tilapia (Tilapia in coconut milk) by Guest Chef Handyman


The Ginata-an Nga Tilapia, ready to serve over steaming rice!!!

My portion of the ginat-an nga tilapia

Chef Handyman checking his ginat-an!

The mixture before heating it through!

The Thick coconut milk

The grated coconut milk

Our guest chef, Handyman, prepared our favorite Ginat-an Nga Tilapia... Here is how he did it!

1 whole matured coconut, grated

1 kilo Tilapia, cleaned and fins trimmed.
1 large red onion, sliced
3 cloves garlic, crushed and sliced
2 thumbs ginger, crushed and sliced
5 long chili (ilahas)
2 bellpepper
1/2 cup coconut vinegar
salt and pepper

Prepare the coconut milk by putting a cup of warm water to the grated coconut and pressing the same until the milk collects. Strain and collect the thick milk. Set aside.
To get a thin milk, add two cups of warm water again to the grated coconut and press with hands and collect the thin milk.

In a deep pan with lid, arrange the Tilapia, and place the rest of the ingredients and the thin milk. Reserve the thick milk for later. Let cook in a medium heat for 30 minutes. Add the thick milk just before removing from fire.

Serve on top of steaming rice.


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