Henri Matisse in MoMA and my ruminations on my nephew's question why a painting is expensive

Having a selfie with the unfinished Cyclamen of French artist Henri Matisse, just to mark the fact that I had been to MoMA or the Museum of Modern Art in New York City in the early week of September this year. Actually, I am no admirer of this particular exhibit called The Red Room, a collection of Matisse's paintings and other articles related to the house where he painted most of his works.  I think this is the main exhibit the time I visited with a friend (We went there for Van Gogh's Starry Night). 

As I walked through the gallery of Matisse, I could not help but only ruminate on a question my nephew asks me every time I tell him about art. Why is it so expensive? I would tell him, it's a property of the humanity already, it is invaluable. The money tag is not what matters anymore, it is the passage of time and the inspiration it could give the new generation at present and to come. 

But, honestly, seeing the style of Matisse, I just could not relate why he was given a space in MoMA. Forgive me, it was a waste. (But MoMA owns these Matisse's work already, I believe!). If I were to judge, there are works more worthy of the space. 

Well, modern art is sometimes hard to like as it's either a product of popular culture or it is what some claim as "ahead of its time." Mostly, an art that survived the times, not only the passage of time but of political climate, is oftentimes given our utmost favor. Just like this Matisse. But of course, if I will be given the chance to choose among the arts to hang on my wall or beautify my space, I will surely not pick Matisse's. 

If I were to be consoled, Matisse has lots of lovely flower painting which are sure befitting a wall calendar or postcards or even ladies' blouse or dress, and of course, my wall. But those florals were not in this particular curation.

I was flabbergasted when I saw Marc Chagall's, The Village and I. That art, for me, is timeless and borderless. Now, expect another blog entry on this piece which was only one of the reports given in my Humanities class. I should make a poem out of this experience too. (digressing!) 🫰

However, let me not spoil your feelings for Matisse. Here are some of my treats for you:


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