First Stop of my Book Culture Trip: Strand (or INSIDE Strand)

Well, you already felt the vibes of Strand Bookstore from the outside in my first blog post. Review it here. This is the second installment. Just telling you enough to make you visit this charming old old bookstore. Here are the breakdown of my four interesting finds:

FIND #1 
LEATHERBOUND BOOKS. Who wouldn't faint or salivate with these leather-cased books of our favorite classics and modern as well. A dream collection or bookshelf for every TANGIBLE BOOK lover.

SIGNED COPIES of books. That is an icing on every booklover's cake! A signed copy always make a book extra special especially if it is signed  by a favorite author. Hurry, visit Strand right away before the icing melts.

BANNED BOOKS. Found The Satanic Verse by Salman Rushdie who was then recently attacked on stage in a lecture he gave. I have not read that particular book but I read one book by him, Haroun and sea of stories and I recalled that I liked it that it can be read in my blog. I also started his thick biography but didn't finish it but I can surmise that the Satanic Verse changed the course of his life, personal and professional wise. As I can say from my readings, The Satanic Verse is hailed as important reading as it tackles migration and integration to another culture and the challenges they bring. 

I can see more familiar readings from this pile! Hope you can tell me if you get to visit Strand yourself. 

FIND #4 
BROOKLYN ROASTING COMPANY. Well, I made you read it right. Coffee is served inside and this one needs no further explanation. Be warmed. 


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