I have refrained from engaging in the online discussions regarding politics now that the election is upcoming. I rather influence others to register and vote and feel the power of their votes. To strongly believe in the power of the majority, of the electoral power, to feel that one vote can make a difference. Yes, I am shamelesly a romantic.

That must be the reason why when I saw CNN's photo of GMA and BBM facing each other on a table during GMA's 75th birthday, I was compelled to write something about what I feel/think, even after a day or two had passed since.

Eversince I was registered as voter, I always voted even if I was enrolled in a college which is a boat-ride-away from my hometown where I was voting. In 2004, I voted for GMA without question or doubt. First, she is a woman. Second, she will not tarnish her father's name Macapagal who was also a president of the RP. Third, she is an economist, what we needed at the time.

When she won, I had high expectations from her. I considered her public service personal to me. She has to be worthy of being called as My First Woman President. But with all the Hello Garci scandal and her ZTE, Jueteng, PCSO links for graft and corruption, I was all floored with DISAPPOINTMENT.

As a romantic, I was giving her so much benefit of the doubt because of the three reasons I stated above. I was blinded that she is an elitist born with a golden spoon and her immediate family are all in politics. Now, she is displaying her support to another elitist who couldn't ride a plane on an economy class, but not ashamed to ask favor from elite friends. Filipinos ask help when in dire need like dying of hunger but not because they cannot fly first class. I am disappointed and enraged once again and once more with GMA after seeing the photo. She really tricked me out of my precious vote then.

So this coming election, I will vote with the same criteria I gave GMA in 2004 with modification and addition. First, she is a woman. Second, she will not tarnish her family name. Third, she is a lawyer with professional accountability, if not conscience. Fourth, her family background is not elitist. Fifth, her immediate family is not in politics. Will she deliver? I will be watching out... 

I may be one vote to GMA, but she is answerable to me for her performance. Her "I am sorry" face on TV still flashes back to me as I end this piece. Is she really sorry?  The photo says she's not. 


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