Easy Dynamite (Very legal to make)

The Dynamite I made yesterday was indeed an explosive hit. What inside my lumpia wrapper were hotdog, cheese, and leftover risotto. Last but not the least was the big long chili pepper. TIP: Don't forget to use gloves when deseeding the peppers. You can use leftover chicken, ground beef or canned tuna as filling too. Check my yt video on this here.

20 long Chili peppers, deseeded
Cheese, shredded or cut lengthwise
Leftover Rice, optional
Hotdog, cut lengthwise, optional
20 lumpia wrappers
Oil for deep frying

Gather ingredients in a table. On top of each wrapper, add pepper stuffed with cheese, rice and hotdog. Excess filling may just be beside the chili. Fold the ends of the wrapper before folding horizontally. Secure edges with water to seal. Let the chili stem get exposed to make the piece look like a dynamite wick.

In a deep pan, add enough oil to cover each wrapped piece. 

When oil is hot, add each piece. Let brown and drain in paper towels. Serve hot after a minute, and not immediately as the melting cheese can burn. 

Enjoy the explosive chilliness!!!


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