Charmed by Arashimaya but not by "usual" sights but by many surprises

I consider myself as lucky for having been able to travel in the year 2023 in a country whose language I could not understand. 

Japan has been easily navigated by me and my friend because  of the fast internet which enabled us to research ahead of time about the places we wanted to go. Facebook groups we joined shared their experiences, troubles and tips which became our prelude to Japan. I also thank the apps dedicated to make my life as a traveller easier. 

But as in life, I pick up where opportunity and setbacks bring me. In my life, I do not only allow myself to diverge from the crowd, to follow my own path, but also I let myself be surprised and changed with life's many changes. Painful could be the changes sometimes. 
Now, back to literal travels, I researched well but the reality sometimes is not in sync with what I expected. The bamboo grooves did not delight me in a way that I expected it. I expected it to be a narrow path with bamboos on my left and right. I expected to touch the bamboos up close. I expected to take photos of the bamboos the way I saw it before in photos while researching. 

I think the bamboo path of my imagination was closed off to tourists. Hence, i got no pretty photo of the groove. 

But lo and behold, the early morning photo with the Togetsu-kyu bridge, the oldest pond garden of Tenryu-ji temple, our lunch at Musubi Cafe located at the end of the road after the bridge which served us vegan lunch and they used quinoa for their rice alternative, pleased me very well. Maybe it was the timing which gave us back many unexpected awe. We summoned the bridge in the early morn, pass by the garden when we were tired from walks so that looking at the garden was a special relief (photos did not give justice to its beauty) and eating when one is hungry.

I don't know but even this tree communicated with me that life is beautiful despite it turned out different from our expectations or plans.

In the end, I am blessed to be able to travel in 2023 and still get pleasant surprises. 


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