Curried Chicken gizzard and liver with potatoes and How to make your own curry powder

We love chicken feet for that oozing collagen, then chicken liver and gizzard next. Chicken liver for those blood-enhancing elements and gizzard for it's mouth-watering crunchy texture. The perfect recipe is always adobo for both!

But I departed for a change, just to use the curry powder I mixed at the onset of the year. If I leave the spices packed and stowed somewhere, I end up lazy in finding them whenever I cook. So, I made them visible and accessible.

For curry:
1 T Canola Oil
Garlic and Onions, minced
1.5 T Curry powder (see mixture recipe below)
500g chicken gizzard
500g chicken liver and heart
3 medium potatoes, cubed
1.5 cup Water
Chili (optional)
1 packet soda cracker, crushed. 

In a wok, saute garlic and onion in oil. Add the curry powder and stir until aroma comes out. 

Add the gizzard and livers. Add the potatoes. Add water. Let cook covered and in medium to high heat for 10 minutes or until meat and potatoes are tender.

Add salt and taste more. I add chili. Empty a packet of crushed soda cracker to thicken the sauce. Serve hot over rice.

My Curry powder is a mixture of 
1part blackpepper
3 parts turmeric
1part cumin 
1 part ginger

Mix and store in a tight jar. 


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