Squash Leaves Vege-balls

I always imagine myself cooking squash flowers when they are aplenty. Since the squash flowers in the garden come one after another and not in one-time big-time occasion, I decided to root for the young leaves. Pruning the last leaves of the squash is important to guarantee a good growth of squash. I love munching the leaves in Monggo Soup (Mung bean). It's foamy chewy type of leaves. 
For a change, I decide to fry it with the batter. And it's popular in the house. So I am sharing this to you.... Happy experimenting!!!

Squash young leaves, roughly sliced
2 cups Flour
1 cup starch 
1/2 c rolled oatmeal 
salt and pepper
mushroom seasoning
2 eggs, lightly beaten
cold water
oil for deep frying

Slice roughly young squash leaves. Set aside.
In a deep bowl, add flour, starch and oatmeal. Add salt and pepper and mushroom seasoning. Mix well before adding 2 lightly beaten eggs. Add cold water and mix batter well in a circular motion. Add the squash leaves while mixing.
Heat oil in a deep fryer. With a tablespoon, scoop the batter and use another spoon to work into a ball before frying. Wait for the ball to get light brown. Repeat until all squash leaves batter is used up. Serve and enjoy immediately with ketchup.  


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