Some thoughts on my gardening journey

Every cook's dream is to have a garden of herbs and fresh vegetables. When one cooks, as when one merely eats, one understands the importance of freshness and nutrients. It is when one cooks that one understands food preservation as opposed to serving not fresh, non nutritious food. Now that I have a spare lot behind my house and using the gift money I received for my 2018 which was originally planned to be invested in ornamental garden, I had a greenhouse constructed in 2020. From my garden, I learned a lot. Here are what I gather so far.

1) Zucchini seeds sprouted and flowered but did not result into fruition. 

2) Cucumbers are easy to grow and they gave me lots. I had the prolific shotgun and the long pretty but not-so-abundant japanese cucumber. at present, I am nursing Kyuri to maturity which I think I can enjoy by March.

3) Tomatoes are so stressful to take care as they are nutrient hungry. I gather eggshells and mix them with coconut vinegar to turn it into Calcium Phosphate. i also make tea compost out of bananas and have to foliar spray Calcium Borate. I have heirloom tomatoes planted so I deserve the stresses. For rewarding tomatoes, I think a native variety should be planted. 

4) Grow the herbs you love to use. Vietnamese coriander can be an easy alternative to kinchay and coriander and best for soups and stirfried bihon. Chives of all kinds are wonderful to grow. Upland Kangkong is so rewarding, and we were on our 4th harvest already. Bokchoy is a fave. It has this particular pleasant smell I look forward to.


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