Alupi nga Mais or Boiled Wrapped Corn

Alupe nga Mais or Boiled Wrapped Corn

5 kilos corn
Buko Meat of 5 young coconuts
2 cups brown sugar

Remove the corn husks and hairs. Discard hair and save the husks. Use knife to separate kernels from the cob. Blender the corn into grits.

In a bowl, put corn, coco meat and sugar. Mix well.

On a board, lay a pliable husk horizontally and put another husk vertically positioned on top of the first one. Add mixture leaving the left edge of vertical part then fold that part to serve as base of the mixture. Roll the horizontal part following the natural curve of the husk. Add another husk to secure ends, if needed. Repeat until all done.

Let the parcels stand in a casserole. Add water or cocowater for about half of the casserole. Let boil for 30 minutes in a high fire then another 15 minutes in medium fire. The water will be reduced to almost none.

Serve with coffee or tea. 


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