Chili con carne rice by Gerlie with fried banana on the side

Chili con carne rice by Gerlie
with fried banana on the side
(My birthday recipe for Anne)

4 T Avocado oil
4 white onions, chopped
1 head garlic,chopped
8 pcs red tomatoes, quartered
1 kl carabeef, ground
1 pouch tomato sauce
1 pouch tomato paste
1 pouch chopped pimiento
4 pcs hotdogs, sliced
2 cups cooked white beans
2 cups cooked lentil beans
2 cups red wine
Salt, taco seasonings and paprika

Cream cheese or yogurt
Sab-a Banana, sliced and fried

In a wok, saute garlic and onions in avocado oil. Add tomatoes and simmer till tender. Add beef and let cook. Add tomato sauce and paste, pimiento, white beans, lentils and red wine. Add seasonings. Let boil. Transfer in a dutch oven and put in the oven for 40 minutes. Serve on top of rice with cheese and fried banana on the side. 


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