I am Malala (Young Reader's edition)

This is a Young Reader's Edition of I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai and Patricia Mcormick. There is a regular version of the memoir which was presented unabridged. 

Anyhow, I still read this book when I decided to do so because I was always in doubt starting it because basically, her story is already known to me, and it's linerar. But while progressing, I am happy that I started it and what I knew is only the tip of an iceberg. There's a warm feeling for her. I appreciated this book more as Malala's personality sketch. One can learn a bit about how the seed of her fervor started. 

Also, I love the idea that there is a young reader's version of her book because young readers can grab the book and read the same and can come to a conclusion that 1} they should appreciate going to school; 2} they can make a difference at any given age; 3} help others even one is in distress herself (access Malala.org for her initiative to give education to all children around the world); 4} see the world with compassion. 

Lastly and most importatly, everything Malala is now is because of her father. I admired Malala's father. As in all stories of Muslims that I read, everything starts with an educated or wise and supportive and courageous father. It was not Malala who was the catalyst for change in this story, it was her father. My deepest respect to him. 


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