Home Quarantine in the next 14 days is easy with these TO DOs

A Walk in the Clouds starring Keanu Reeves is a classic film you can always watch while passing the 14-day home quarantine.

Unlike the times when the SARS and MERSCOV outbreak happened, the global connectivity through flights, trains, buses and ships are now massive and faster. Afterall, it is 2020. Just this morning, I posted in my facebook status message that

"It is our civic duty to stay at home inorder to help stop the spread of NCOV-19. In this time of global and space travel, staying home is hard but let us do this for our own sake. 3.18.20"


I realized that we all can get bored, although Netflix, Iflix and other sites can offer movies and Kdramas, it can really get boring and mentally (and emotionally) draining) so that I thought of making suggestions on how to spend the next two weeks without doing nothing BUT ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING FOR THE MANKIND.

Exercise. Run and Walk in open spaces. If that is not available, then do some dancing following the zumba moves in Youtube.

Gardening. It is time to plant more greens so that the quality of our air will improve. Planting tubers like camote, radish and potatoes will be needed now so that we can harvest some when the wet market runs out.

Reading. Read the book you really wanted to read for a long time already. 

Music. Time to jam and hum and sing with your faves from dusk till dawn. No noise polution please. hahhaah!

Clean the house. Sweep, wipe, mop... do everything that will clean the house.

Chatting. Chat with friends you were not able to talk to for a long time. Since there is no social visits yet, let us use our time to send virtual hellos.

Art. Write your poems, update your journal. Get your brushes out and paint. Or wake your pencils and charcoals up and do some sketches. 

Watch a quality film. While Kdramas can help us pass the time, it can surely eat up a lot of our brain cells and drain our eyes (if its melodramatic). Well keep your eyes hydrated then. Even a 2-3 hours film can give us insight and new outlook or something to discuss among our friends. Quickly, look for these and enjoy: A walk in the clouds, Life is Beautiful (Italian film), Schindler's List, Lagaan (Indian Film), Antonia's Line (Dutch?), Love, Lies (Korean), and Cinema Paradiso (Italian). 

Update, keep updated and do your research. Do not rely on forwarded messages and verify the sources.

Yes, it is 2020 but nothing changes when it comes to what JFK once said, 

"Think not what your country can do for you bt what you can do for your country."

we can do this!!!


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