Apple-Korean Pear with Peanut butter & oatmeal crumble

5 pcs Apples, sliced lengthwise
2 pcs Korean Pear, sliced lengthwise
Brown sugar
Cinnamon bark

Peanut butter

Slice and deseed fruits. Set aside.
Heat water, and add sugar, vanilla and cinnamon bark. Bring to constant boil for 5 minutes until syrupy.
Add the fruits and let cook until fruits are soft but still crunchy.
Remove fyom syrup and set aside.

Toast oatmeal in a pan for about 10 minutes or until brown. Remove from fire.
Add peanut butter to the oatmeal and let it crumble. 

To serve:
Place glazed fruits in individual serving bowls, add the crumbles. Enjoy at room temperature.

Photo Credit: RJ Solidarios- Castillo


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