Easy Bugnay Jelly

4 cups bugnay
6 cups brown sugar

Wash bugnay ang remove stem. 
Press with both hands until the juices come out of the berries.
Separate the juice and pulp from the seeds by using not-so-fine strainer
In a pan or small casserole without cover, bring to boil the juice and pulp of bugnay berries
Add brown sugar and stir until dissolved.
Let boil for 30 minutes still without cover and stir. 
In a low fire, continue heating the syrup for about 30 minutes until it thickens a bit.
TIP: The syrup is ready if it does not separate or dissolve easily when dropped in a glass of water. Also, if the syrup does not break when spilled from a spoon about a foot high from the casserole. 
Sterilize glass jar and transfer the jelly. 
Let cool and refrigerate.


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