Lumpia Hanoi (Tuna Version)


The first fried batch of Lumpia Hanoi

300 g vermicelli
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 onion, chopped
1 canned tuna (about 300g)
1 can green peas
2 potatoes, chopped
black pepper
soy sauce

lumpia wrapper
canola oil

Fish Sauce
Calamansi / other citrus

Place in a bowl the vermicelli. Add hot water and soak until cooked through. Drain.
Mix the remaining first 7 ingredients.
Wrap in a lumpia wrapper.
Heat oil and deep fry.
For the sauce, mix all ingredients. Check out other Sauces here.

chopped potatoes

solid in water canned tuna

Vermicelli, already cooked through

The mixture before wrapping

The modified Vietnamese Nouc Mam as the original recipe
calls for lime juice while I used Calamnsi here.


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